Sheyla C.
91054 Erlangen Innenstadt
Ab €9
Details zu Sheyla
27 Jahre alt
Hi, I am Sheyla from Ecuador. I'm in Germany learning the language. I love animals. I have had two dogs and one cat. My first dog, Chiripa, was with me since I was 7 years old. Last year, I adopted another dog called Doré. They were like my own children. I took care of both of them, took them to the vet, used to shower them in the patio, and used to come with me while jogging. Not much ago, Brina, the cat, took part of my family. Now that I'm far from home I missed their companies too much I would like to help other people by this job by taking care with love of the ones that I love the more, animals.
Erfahren im Umgang mit
Mittelgroße Hunde: 10-20 kg
Services und Preise
Preis pro Auftrag
Tägliches Füttern
€5 / Besuch
Täglicher Auslauf
€7 / Spaziergang