Yasemin A.
10785 Berlin Kreuzberg
Ab €12
Details zu Yasemin
25 Jahre alt
Hello, I'm Yasmin. I live in Berlin, 10785. I am 20 years old. I love taking care of kids and spending time with them. I was told by many people that I could be a very good role-model for children. I think children really get influenced from the people around them. This is why I think babysitting is an important job. I don't have any paid babysitting experiences but I helped raising my two cousins from birth to childhood. Also, I worked voluntarily in Portugal for a month in a kindergarten. I am quite responsible and trustworthy. I am currently going on a German course in the mornings I am free after 3 pm every weekday. I am flexible in terms of working hours. We can do activities or play games with your son/daughter! I'm looking forward to meet him/her !
Erfahrung mit
Vorschulalter (4-6 Jahre)
Neugeborenen (bis zu 12 Monate)
Kann sich um 1 Kind kümmern
Leichte Haushaltsaufgaben
Hilfe bei den Hausaufgaben
Die Kinder ins Bett bringen