Jeevika C.
90562 Heroldsberg, Bayern
Ab €14
Details zu Jeevika
25 Jahre alt
I'm MSc student at FAU from India.
No prof. experience but I have two Lil darling nephews from my older brother in India and I share a good bond with them.
I am particularly interested in this role because I believe that I am good with kids, & I have adequate patience and experience from nephews & experience as a teacher I can confidently say that I am good at establishing trust and comfort for me in kids.
Additionally, I see it as a good opportunity to socialise and interact with people here in Germany.
Erfahrung mit
Vorschulalter (4-6 Jahre)
Neugeborenen (bis zu 12 Monate)
Grundschulalter (7-12 Jahre)
Kann sich um bis zu 3 Kinder kümmern
Kochen / Zubereitung von Mahlzeiten
Leichte Haushaltsaufgaben
Hilfe bei den Hausaufgaben
Die Kinder ins Bett bringen