Babysitter in Berg am Laim

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Michelle H.
  • Ab 20 /h
  • Berg am Laim
1 1 Verifizierung
Bilingual (Eng/Spa) from Miami with interest in full time babysitting roles
| Hi there, my name is Michelle and I started my Pflegefachfrau Ausbildung in September (already graduated with bachelor's degree but am doing a career transition). I would love to take on extra babysitting opportunities during the weekend (flat 20/hour rate and is applicable for up to 2 children). I'm fluent in English (born in Miami, Florida, USA) and Spanish (Cuban-Peruvian background) as well as intermediate in German. My experience includes having worked for 1 year at a daycare located in South Florida and completed a 1-year Early Childhood Education program. I was an au pair for a few months in Regensburg (6- and 9-year-old), for 1 year in Munich (3- and 5-year-old), and for a few months in London (9- and 11-year-old). Then worked as an English Learning Guide at a private Krippe for a couple of months. I also received the American Red Cross Babysitting Certificate and undertook the Erste Hilfe Kurs. I don't mind if you have a pet since I lived with both a cat and a dog back in Miami. Moreover, I'm a non-smoker. I look forward to meeting you and am open to doing a video call beforehand :)
Michelle war super Zuverlässig und hat einen tollen Job gemacht. Sie hat während eines Aufenthalts in München auf meine Kinder aufgepasst- würde sie immer wieder gerne buchen!"
... "Mehr
  Julia S.
Wussten Sie schon?
Der durchschnittliche Stundenlohn für Babysitting liegt in Berg am Laim zwischen €15 und €19.
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